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Transitioning? Find Sanctuary at Miraval Spa

Transitioning? Find Sanctuary at Miraval Spa!

Let’s face it, change is inevitable, however sometimes it just pulls the rug from under your feet.  That’s when a few days at Miraval can help you get back on level ground and help you find clarity in taking your next step.

It’s from my own personal experience of loss that I can share how Miraval has helped me and I’m convinced they can help you.  Miraval offers the nurturing environment to help you feel cared for. 

In addition to meeting basic needs, Miraval offers guidance for moving forward and finding joy again.  One of the Miraval sessions that still has a profound impact on my life, is Holographic Memory Resolution (HMR).  

HMR was developed by Brent Baum, one of Miraval’s specialists, however on this particular day I met with Dr. Tim Frank who also offers this amazing service.  Simply put, Miraval’s HMR accesses traumatic memories and helps to resolve the emotions connected with them.  For me, it was about changing the initial emotion/reaction to my traumatic memory connected with my loss.  During this exclusive Miraval service, we went into other memories as well, some of which have caused blocks for years, both physical and emotional and I recognized then how these memories, or the emotions connected with these memories were holding me back. 

Miraval's Dr. Tim Frank

Miraval's Dr. Tim Frank

Is it possible that there’s a memory holding you back?  Perhaps you’re unaware of the memory and just know that something is keeping you from moving forward and perhaps this Miraval session will allow you to explore this further and open you up to a more fulfilling life


A time for healing at Miraval. Use this Direct Number to contact the Team at Miraval Spa and they can answer any additional questions. Call 1-800-359-6250 to get the full details and begin to find peace and understanding for a more fulfilling life.

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